Discourse Management

We manage Discourse on your infrastructure or ours. We handle monitoring, backups, upgrades, and plugins. We provide private and prompt support when you need it.

Discourse Hosting, Maintenance, & Managed Services

Have a professional manage your Discourse server. All maintenance contracts include monitoring, backups on your or our S3-compatible service, and handling any tasks that require access to the command line. Literate Computing can maintain your Discourse instance on your infrastructure or ours depending on your policies and requirements. We have managed simple and complex deployments of Discourse on GCP, AWS, and Digital Ocean as well as our own bare metal servers hosted outside of Boston.

All plans include mail delivery sent from your own domain name. Standard and Business plans require you to have your own mail delivery service; Business and Custom plans optionally include mail delivery. Mailgun is recommended; other services may incur additional startup costs.

The Discourse tests-passed version is recommended, but for Standard and higher plans you can also choose the Beta or Stable branches.

Plan Monthly Price Configuration Plugins
Standard $100 Standard 2-container Install Official
Business $300 Assets on S3 Supported
Enterprise $500 Staging server to test custom plugins Any

Full support is included for issues with Discourse functioning properly as well as help with routine configuration questions. Custom theme and plugin development and maintenance are typically not included.

To arrange for hosting, send an email to support@literatecomputing.com
